What is MOMS Club?
The purpose of the MOMS Club is to support Moms. We meet day, evening, and weekend when moms need the support the most.
Why are you a “support group?”
What does that mean?
MOMS Club provides the kind of support all moms need, primarily in the form of our calendar of activities: park days, tours, lunches, playgroups, crafts and fun they can attend with their children. We also have a private forum, where members can ask each other questions ranging from parenting issues to what dentist in town is the best. Furthermore, we complete at least one service project per year.
Who runs the club?
The club is led by an elected board that steers the club. Each officer is in charge of different areas (Administrative VP handles the service projects; Membership VP handles new members and renewals, etc.) We also receive support from the International MOMS Club, our parent organization, and abide by the same bylaws as every MOMS Club chapter in the world. However our group is strongly member-driven. Each of our members is welcomed and encouraged to host or coordinate our monthly activities or other programs. It’s only by working together that a bunch of stay-at-home/working moms can accomplish all that we do!
How often would I be required to attend?
You may attend as often or as little as you like depending on your needs, your children’s desires, and your schedule. We will try to host events weekly so there should be plenty of options for you to attend.
Are the events geared for moms or for kids?
Both! We do many activities that kids enjoy, such as going to local parks, bounce houses, mall play time, playgroups, crafts, etc. While those things are our bread and butter, we also try to strike a balance between things children enjoy and things that keep moms engaged, too. That said, we have MOMS-focused activities, crafts, recipe swaps, speakers, lunch bunches, exercise groups and more.
How much does it cost to join?
Our dues are $40/year. However, we never turn away a mom because of financial hardship.
What are the dues used for?
Since we are a non-profit, we follow very specific guidelines from the International MOMS Club and the IRS regarding what our money can be used for. Our dues pay for the expenses of operating our club, help support the International MOMS Club, cover our outreach costs, and help support our service projects. We pay the International MOMS Club $2 per member each year to maintain our chapter. In addition, your dues pay for expenses such as a newsletter, member packets, publicity, supplies, stamps, service projects etc.
Are there any other costs?
Some of our activities are free (beach days/play dates at someone’s home etc.) but some have a cost associated with them. For example, if we meet at the zoo, each mom pays for herself and her children. And Moms Night Out requires additional funds, but we try to keep them reasonable. In addition, you may choose to bring snacks or a potluck dish to some events, or donate supplies to a party and the costs of those items are up to you. Since we are a group, we may be able to get group rates.
Why don’t you post your prospective member events publicly?
Because the safety of our members and our children is our number one concern. We need to know that you’re a real mom with kids. Once you’re a member, you will know that we’ve confirmed that every person in the group is a real mom. We also don’t publicly post our prospective member events because we try to make it difficult for the creepy people to find us when we’re out in public. Safety first! You want to protect all kids!
Can I attend events even if my kids are in school?
Absolutely. MOMS Club is for MOMS!
What is your membership area?
Our boundaries include the following Naples zip codes: 34102, 34103, 34104, 34105, 34108, 34109, 34110, 34112, 34116, 34117 (North of 75), 34119 & 34120, however if you are in another zip code-please let us know!
Is the group only open to stay-at-home moms?
No, as per our bylaws, our membership is open to any mom in our chapter’s area. Part time and working moms are encouraged to come if they can! However, our activities are mostly during the week, but all moms are encouraged to join!
How is MOMS Club different from other moms’ groups?
Our primary mission is to support all mothers. We are not affiliated with any religion, lifestyle choices, race, or parenting philosophy. We have oversight and support from our mother organization, the International MOMS Club, which ensures that our mission remains focused on supporting at-home moms. We do not meet on any one particular day or time. We do not meet in any particular place; our activities cover all the possible venues in our town. Additionally, as a non-profit organization, we are lead by an elected board and complete at least one service project yearly.
What will I get out of this? What will my child get out of this?
Two words: Social Interaction. You’ll get to speak with other adults; your child will get to play with other kids. Beyond that, it’s really up to you. Since how much you participate is up to you, the experience will largely be what you make of it. Whether you attend a few activities a year or come regularly and develop lasting friendships, every mom has the right to take what she wants from her MOMS Club membership. For those that participate, there are lots of fun times and socialization to be experienced!
How can I get more involved?
We rely on our members for everything, so your participation is appreciated. Call any executive board member and ask to help plan a field trip, event or start a new activity group. Come to the monthly meeting and share your ideas. This is YOUR club and you will get out of it what you put into it!
How do I join?
Email our Membership VP at momsclubofnaples@gmail.com for information on joining our group!