Friendships and Fun for Naples Moms and Their Children
Make Friends. Share Experiences. Give Back.
Our Mission
Being a mom is hard and no one should feel alone, but so many moms do! Our primary mission is to support all moms in Naples with fun activities, supportive friends, and meaningful community involvement. Whether you attend a few events a year or come regularly and develop lasting friendships, our members treasure their MOMS Club memberships. Our club's most active members are making memories, friends, and a difference in our community!
Our Activities Committee plans exclusive playdates. MOMS Club kids have rich experiences together including tummy time, park playdates, active field trips, and special events. We have toured museums, met mermaids and pirates, visited animal sanctuaries, and more!
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit and giving back is a major part of our mission. We donate our time, baby supplies, clothes, and board books. We also educate our members through our guest speaker program on topics such as toddler nutrition, self-care, and safety.
Celebrating moments and building traditions together foster meaningful friendships and warm memories. We host many parties for our members including a Back to School Party, Thanksgiving Potluck, Summer Pool Party, Halloween Party, and an Egg Hunt.
Fun for Moms
Moms need time to spend with friends, so we plan a monthly Mom's only activity. We have planned a wide variety of themed MNO's including painting and crafts, dinner and a movie, scent mixing, sunset beach bash, and holiday house parties. We also have KAMP( Kids Away Moms Play) hosted in the daytime once a month.

About Mom's Club of Naples
MOMS Club of Naples was founded in 2017 by a group of at-home mothers. We are a local chapter of MOMS Club International.
With about 80 members and 120 children, our group has a wonderful mix of members. Our members represent a diversity of ages, cultures, and backgrounds with varying numbers of children of different ages. Some of us have lived here for years and are experienced mothers, while many of us are new to Naples or new to motherhood!
We are not affiliated with any religion, lifestyle choices, race, or parenting philosophy. As a local chapter of International MOMS Club, we have oversight and support, which ensures that our mission remains focused on supporting at-home moms. Our events are member-driven, so we do not meet on any one particular day or time. We do not meet in any particular place; our activities cover many possible venues in our town. Additionally, as a non-profit organization, we are lead by an elected board and complete at least one service project monthly.

About International
Mom's Club
In 1983 Mary James, an at-home mother in California, decided she was tired of being alone at home. She wanted to meet other at-home mothers and she wanted to find other at-home children for her children to play with, but there was no such group. She decided to start a brand new organization just for at-home mothers, and the MOMS Club® was born.
The chapter she started was so successful, she knew mothers in other areas must be needing the MOMS Club, too. Soon she and other volunteers were helping mothers start MOMS Clubs across the country and around the world!
There are 1,500+ chapters in the US alone and over 100,000 members!
For more information on International visit http://www.momsclub.org